Belgium, circa 1650.
Flemish Cabinet on later base with torsted legs.
Biblical scenes. A flap at the top with a mirror in the middle.
Behind the door a tiled floor and pillars of ivory and mirrors. This art or collection cabinet is a good example of a luxury piece of furniture such as that manufactured in Flanders and especially in Antwerp in the 17th century. In these types of cabinets were collectibles such as coins, perfume bottles, shells, jewelry etc. keep. Many of these art cabinets not only have many drawers but also a so-called ‘aedicula’. This Latin word means "little house" or " House of God." Made from native fruit wood, probably pear wood which is then polished to make it black and look like Ebony.
The paintings on the doors and drawers represent the following New Testament stories or persons: (behind the relevant story there is always one reference to a gospel text; in some cases the same story is in several Gospels) if there is no textual reference, this means that the scene in question is a biblical concept but not a story in a certain chapter.
- On the large door on the left: baptism in the Jordan-John the Baptist baptizes Jesus.(Gospel of Matthew Chapter 3 verses 13-17)
- On the large door on the right: Jesus tells the parable of the Sower.(Gospel of Mark Chapter 4 verse 1 mt..m. 11).On the drawers from left to right and from top to bottom:
- Peter suspends his outer garment and walks towards the Risen Jesus . (Gospel of John Chapter 21 verse 7)
- Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well.(Gospel of John Chapter 4)
- Jesus with the scribes and an adulterous wife.(Gospel of John Chapter 7 verse 53 to Chapter 8 verse 11)
- The Emmaus Walkers with Jesus on the road with Jerusalem in the background. (Gospel of Luke Chapter 24)
- Jesus is the Good Shepherd with a sheep on his back.(Gospel of John Chapter 10 verse 14)
- Jesus heals a crooked woman (Gospel of Luke Chapter 13 verse 10 t.M. 17))
- The Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, Joseph in the arched door in the middle
- Jesus heals a blind man while Peter watches.
- The Good Samaritan.(Gospel of Luke Chapter 10 verses 25-37)
- The flight into Egypt (Gospel of Matthew Chapter 2 verses 13-23) and
- The temptation in the desert.(Gospel of Luke Chapter 4 verse 1 mt..m. 13).
On the inside of the folding flap on each side of the mirror:
- Left: Peter praying in the Garden of Olives (Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26 verses 36-46)
- Right: John the Baptist with the Lamb Of God
The chassis of the kunstkabinet was manufactured in the 19th century possibly because an older chassis had been damaged.
Provenance: private collection The Netherlands
CITES declaration is available.